If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up. ~J.M. Power

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day Two Feeling Good

First of all setting up a blog is like trying to get a degree... there are so many options but I only have one goal!  I have to keep my eyes on the prize but geesh while trying to find info. to make my blog interesting I have come across so many amazing blogs and now I feel like rather than losing 120 pounds I have to figure out how to be the best blogger that ever blogged.  I am not going to do that rather I will remind myself why I am here to begin with.  To MOTIVATE myself to stick with it!

First of all thanks for all the support I am getting from all of you.  If you have any feedback or comments please feel free to share.  I want to hear from you.  I know I am not the only one who wants to take better care of myself so share away!  Now there is such a thing as over-sharing.  I do want to hear from you but my friend and I did discuss all of the unsolicited advice that would come my way once I publicly announced this journey I am on.  I believe from personal experience that any kind of life change has to start from within and we have to make these changes under our own terms.  I appreciate your personal experiences and challenges but I have a plan that I believe will work for me and I am going to stick to it!

Today I am going to meet with a friend who has recently been certified in gyrotonics... more info here:

I have had two sessions and I really like the workout because it is very low impact but you feel the results right away as muscles you didn't know you had begin to punch you from your insides.  Also, I owe a special shout out to Daisy Fuentes and Jenni McCarthy for their Wii workouts.  Jenni is much friendlier as she alerts you that you aren't quite cutting the mustard.  Daisy could work on her tone she is kinda bitchy if you don't go fast enough.  Both are pretty good for at home workouts.  I know this because I have been walking around the office like Frankenhooker.  I know this is from neglect and I am going to embrace the burn this time rather than run from it.

After three weeks of consistently doing at least a half hour a day of some sort of exercise I have noticed a few things that are encouraging:  1.  I am sleeping through the night with no interruptions (except for my cat occasionally jumping on my face) and 2. My skin does seem to be less oily.

Rock and Roll marathon is on June 5, 2011 and I haven't decided if I will run the whole or half yet but either way I will be there.  I have been saying I was going to run a marathon for a long time and it is time to check that one off the list!  My co-worker bet me $100 to lose 100 of the 120 by the marathon I took the bet.

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